Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I'm thinking about a total-blog overhaul and revamp. 

Not moving my address, but simply thinking a new, wider space for content, side icons, and a new colour scheme.

Thoughts, my friends?


  1. I'm attempting to do the same to my own blog. It's taking a lot longer than I hoped it would, because I don't have my own computer and can't seem to settle on a design, or figure out how to create my own layout from scratch (CSS will be the death of me, I swear).

    I feel like a blog needs a revamp every six months, or at least once a year, so without really knowing when you started your blog, I'm going to guess you're about due for a change (I'm sure I've been following you for at least six months). I think you should go for it. I look forward to the outcome!

  2. Madeline - Oh my gosh, CSS just boggles my mind. I can't make sense of it lololol. I'll need to use templates or some really easy-to-follow tutorials to get my blog to look like I want it to.

    I started my blog like, 4 years ago? But did a new look (the current one) about a year ago. Time for a change! Good luck revamping yours as well!


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