Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some Fresh Inspiration

A dear friend just introduced me to this pair of artists, and I loved their work so much, I thought it would be great to share on the blog :)

Please meet Supakitch & Koralie.

We've recently been working on an illustrated pattern project in my Computer Illustration class, and I have been wanting to start incorporating graphic elements and pattern into my own figurative work (like the Baba Yaga project I've been posting). So when I watched some of the pair's process videos, I was totally inspired. Like, don't-want-to-bother-sleeping-tonight inspired. Love that feeling, even if the results require a lot of coffee for recovery ;)

Here are two quick videos of their process, set to some groovy music.

As for me,
I am excited to share some new projects I'm working on, but I'll have to wait a little bit before I can speak openly about the details here. Tomorrow is the first Open Model Session at SCAD, and I'm really amped up to get back into the habit of lifedrawing on a set schedule (instead of bribing friends or being really creepy). Also, get ready for some blog redesign this weekend!

Happy long weekend, lovely birds ~ anyone doing anything exciting? 
(I will be working on artwork like a nutcase, what's new?)


  1. These are cool projects - just from the pictures. Satellite doesn't like the weather this morning, so I will have to try to stop back by to watch the video

    Stopping by from Blogging Buddies.

  2. Nice stuff from the dynamic duo! Stay amped! No fun this weekend, work work work!

  3. Whoa, that looks intense. Quite a lot of detail.

  4. Christie - Yea, I really like their process, and the final product is really cool :)

    Lostlemonade - Thanks for stopping by! And I hear ya, this was a work-filled weekend for me too!

    Melody - Yea, agreed! I love all the little details that go into it, and their precision in making their art.

    Alessandra - I completely agree!


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