Sunday, July 8, 2012

So Damn Lucky

Friday afternoon was spent in the murky Atlanta heat with my adventurous sidekick, with whom I share a love of photography (though I still have a lot to learn). It was a really nice change of pace from hunching over my worktable with all the work I've been trying to bust out lately - but let's face it,

We can't just be robots, right?

"This is also [a song] about how not to forget about counting your blessings."

Sometimes I feel so damn lucky to have found what I love to do in this life, and that I have the ability, resources, and support to pursue it wholeheartedly and with conviction. But with that spirit I feel compelled to move beyond just effort, to examine not only the "how" of creating something, but (perhaps even more importantly) the "why" as well. 

 I've had several really great conversations about this, but at the end of the day, the reason why we create needs to be so much more than just the paycheck. The wonderful thing about being creative is that you can get at things that no can text spell out, and you can communicate meaning and emotion where no words will suffice. I really believe that it is a gift, and not everyone can possess it.

Perhaps even more profound is our ability to bring things into this world that can change it for the better. As my lovely momma put it one day, "So you knew what you wanted it to look like, and then just made it, and now it's here in my hand. That's incredible."

"Could I have been anyone other than me?
And I, I look up at the sky
And my mouth is open wide."

What are your thoughts, lovely birds?


  1. Hi Erin,

    My husband really wants to go see Dave Matthews..your post made me remember that. I hate it when I feel like a robot with art, I feel at that point, not worth it. I have to back away and try to enjoy what I'm doing...Like you, sometimes you have to take a break and reflect on it all.

    I feel sometimes like art is a compulsion for me. I love it and of course, have my bad days but it is something I must do, I cannot help myself, it is something I cannot resist.

    Like you, I feel blessed to be able to create. Have a great week.


    PS I love your work.

  2. Erin,
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog for Carol's Jewelry Orchard! I loved hearing your experience and comments. I love your blog and will follow you, now! Creativity is something I feel I repressed in my younger age. I am educated as a nurse, with a master's degree and feel that I pushed my creative side down until well after having my children. I am blessed I can pursue this side of myself. I only wish I had more time to do it......I love making jewelry, writing, and photography. There is just not enough time in the day! Best wishes to you!



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