Saturday, February 18, 2012

Alice in Wonderland

Some colour tests for class... dark Alice in Wonderland: Alice smoking the caterpillar's hookah, and seeing the ghosts of the victims of the Queen of Hearts in the smoke.

Do you have a favourite?


  1. my fave is the top left. I like the red touches, and some of the other ones feel a bit muddy--I like the vivid green :)

  2. I like the top right and the bottom left the best.

  3. I like this color testing. I tend to favor purples and lavenders so I like the bottom left one.

  4. I'm partial to the middle one and the bottom left. The middle has a really incredible flow to it, but the colour of the smoke and grass on the bottom left is extremely appealing.

  5. Thanks for your feedback, guys! My prof actually looked at these and suggested a few combinations of some of my existing schemes. So now I'm putting a little of what everyone likes in the piece!

  6. Top left and bottom left are my favorites. =)


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