How has everyone's week been? Mine has been pretty sweet! I just spent a few relaxing days at the beach with my family, and am getting ready to head up to NYC on Friday for some much-needed girl time with some of my best friends from college :D Double-yay! Who knows? there might be an NYC vlog in the works! We'll see!
I promised some silly/fun beach pictures, so here you go!
Our sweet awesome house! And my funny little cousins running down the beach! The beach was beautiful and we had some gorgeous weather!
I have no idea who wrote this, we found it on the beach. Lololol ho'snap - burrrnnnnn
I wanted to write a special beach sign for all of you! Thank you for following me/commenting/etc !!! And a beautiful sunset!
Me and my sister - getting ready for our first go at kareoke EVER. We were so nervoussssss!
Sarah, peforming "Magic Man", and me, my cousin Heidi, and our friend Sarah performing "You're the One That I Want" from Grease! Not half bad for our first time at kareoke! I would totally do it again! I used to sing a tonnnn in highschool - being on stage feels so natural :)
All of us at "Windrift", the kareoke bar. I'm pretty sure this was taken about 5 minutes before some guy tried to get my sisters number LOL. That's me on the right!
And finally, the best photo of our vacation: the Hat Game, one of my personal favourites. I think you can see why: Googly-eyed Crab, Scary Great White Shark, and Moosey-Moose.
* Stay tuned for another update tomorrow with some awesome sneak peeks, and my featuuuure yayness !
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