[Work in Progress - ignore my scribblies, please]
After talking to my dad on the phone for awhile today, I continue to remember when he said, "You will know when you are in the right situation." I have noticed that, like many of my friends, we all have our own ways of dealing with the post-graduation-f*-I-dunno-what-to-do-with-my-life blues. Mine has been an underlying sense of panic and frustration that only surfaces when I am not running around like a crazy person doing ten million things at once. The road ahead is strangely uncertain, especially when I turn around to see a neatly paved street behind me, clearly marked and flagged with directions. I look ahead to see hundreds of paths, like streaming tributaries from a great, wide river. I long for "the right situation", and the most frustrating part is that I have no idea what it will look like, though I apparently will know when it arrives.
This season can only be known as my Painted Summer, where I make the choices that point me ahead, where I decorate myself with all that I hold dear, pack it close, and carry it along the road like a thousand glittering jewels.
have fun decorating yourself!